I am working on some nursery rhyme blocks, here is the first one I finished, "Little Red Riding Hood". After I did it, I realized I was supposed to reverse this pattern, but she stays as she is!
I am using DMC floss number 961 which I think looks like the antique double-pink fabrics found in old quilts. It is really a bubble gum pink, I love it. It is lighter than it looks in the picture, actually the color of a piece of bubble gum, looks very vintage! I used a small light box and red pencil to trace the design onto the fabric. I use two strands of floss, except for small details I use just one strand.
This was a free pattern, along with a whole set, here is the link, I hope it works:
I had to take a look at your pinkwork. It is too funny. I had found this website while surfing, downloaded all the patterns. My pinkwork blocks are done in the same pink color. I am going to do my nursery rhyme blocks in crayon colors as I found some fabric with printed nursery rhyme figures.
I responded to your comment, but it hasn't shown up, so will try again! Remember that the patterns in the set found on the link are supposed to be reversed, they were apparently iron on transfers. Your crayon colors idea sounds great too.
ohh how pretty!
Thanks, Pixie Purls. This is another one of my stalled projects. I hope to get back to it, the nursery rhyme patterns are so sweet and nostaligic. This quilt wouldn't take that long to complete, either.
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